rain world.

ok idc anymore..

rain world is a 2d physics based pixel game created by videocult. you are a slugcat, a little organism originally designed to clean pipes. you are cleaved from your family by intense rain and you wake up stranded in an unfamiliar industrial landscape. you have to navigate the treacherous and dangerous world to escape and return to your family.

i, obviously, enjoy rain world very much. i played it early july 2022 during a week where i literally had nothing going on. i played it for around 13 hours every day straight. i played it like a complete idiot though, and my first run through survivor took around 35 hours. rain world is a top 3 game for me (if you're wondering its outer wilds, rain world, and breath of the wild), butttt this game isnt super fun to play all the time because of how obscenely hard it is. it can feel like pure cheese (most of the time it isnt, but when it really is cheese it can make you want to throw your computer out a window) and requires EXTENSIVE patience and dedication. this is probably why you dont really hear people talk about this game, despite its cult following claiming it might be one of the best games made in the past decade. it is unforgiving, and not everyone is going to like it. but honestly i dont think accessibility should decide how good a game is, because then you get the most bland as shit games. its hard and most people wont enjoy playing it but its still a good game. it has beautiful graphics and soundtrack, and the atmosphere it achieves is phenomenal. i genuninely felt like a small, scared animal in an unfamiliar and claustrophobic world tinged with a strange forlorness. the ai is incredible, and if youve heard anything about the game, if not its difficulty, will be its ai (its how i found out about the game btw). the animation in this game is ai and is generated as the "animals" decide where to go or what to do. so the creators of the game actually didnt have very much animation to make, but moreso had a lot of physics to make. this makes the creatures in the game feel incredibly organic and your playthrough is going to be wildly different than other peoples. nothing is scripted. the movement, while clunky at first, is actually super intensive and requires a lot of practice. but once you have it down you have a lot of grace and movement capabilities.

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